- 스포츠 게시판입니다.
Date 15/12/08 14:30:39
Name   쏠사노바
Subject   채프먼 10월 말 총격사건 요약
Reds flamethrowing closer Aroldis Chapman fired eight gunshots inside of his garage and was accused by his girlfriend of choking her during an October 30 party at his Davie, Fla. home, according to a police report obtained by Yahoo.

10월 30일 자신의 집에서 파티하던 도중에 자신의 여자 친구에게 초크를 가하고, 차고로 가서는 여덟발의 총알을

According to the account the girlfriend gave to police, she and Chapman got into an argument after she found something on his phone. Chapman pushed her against the wall and placed his hands around her neck but did not stop her from breathing, according to her account. One of the dozen or more police officers dispatched to the house observed that she had no visible injuries on her neck or chest area. After the girlfriend’s brother intervened she ran outside to take care of her four month old child, according to what she told police.

채프먼의 폰에서 뭔가를 발견하고 다툼이 시작되었는데, 그가 여친을 벽으로 밀었고 그녀의 목 주변을 손으로 눌렀고
숨쉬기 힘들정도로 보였다고 함. 하지만 경찰이 조사에 들어갔을때 채프먼의 여친의 목이나 가슴쪽에 외상이
보이질 않았다고. 어쨌든 여친의 형제가 그 상황에 개입하고 나서야 그녀는 밖으로 달려나갔고 네살난 아이를
감싸안았다고 함.

Chapman told police that he merely poked her in the shoulder, and that her brother pushed him to the ground before they were separated by other party guests. Chapman’s driver told the cops that Chapman’s girlfriend charged at Chapman and tackled him.

채프먼은 경찰 조사에서 살짝 어깨를 밀었을 뿐이라고 답했고, 파티 손님들과 같이 있는데도 불구하고 그녀의
형제가 와서는 자신을 땅으로 밀었다고 진술함. 채프먼의 운전기사는 경찰에, 그의 여친이 채프먼에게 대들었고,
태클까지 가했다고 진술.

After the argument Chapman wanted to drive away but his friends wouldn’t let him, he told police. So he went into his car to retrieve a hand gun before locking himself in his garage and firing eight shots. Seven went into the garbage, while an eighth was fired out the window and into a field.

다툼뒤에 채프먼은 차를 몰고 떠나려고 했지만 친구들이 말렸다고. 결국 채프먼은 차로 돌아와서 권총을 뽑아들고는
여덟발을 차고 안에서 난사했다고.

Last week prosecutors declined to charged Chapman with any crime, as there were “conflicting stories” and “no cooperating witnesses” to support any charges. MLB tells Yahoo they’re opening an investigation.

지난주에 검찰쪽에서는 채프먼에 대해서 무혐의라고 판단하여 고소하지 않았는데, 어떤 혐의를 제기하기엔
양측의 진술이 엇갈리고 목격자들도 비협조적이었다고. 한편 MLB 사무국에서는 이제 조사에 들어간다고.

Earlier today, there were numerous reports that the Dodgers agreed to acquire Chapman in exchange for two prospects. But as the day wore on more skeptical reports began to trickle out that said the deal had yet to be consummated, and the two teams never announced anything. According to Yahoo, the hiccup that held the deal up was the Dodgers learning of this alleged incident.

다저스는 레즈와 채프먼 트레이드에 잠정 합의했었는데, 딜이 아직까지 확정나지 않았었음. 아마도 채프먼의
이 같은 사건이 알려지면서 보류되었던 것 같다고.


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