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Date 15/06/12 00:10:48
Name   김치찌개
Subject   감독을 화나게 한 8회, 추신수를 화나게 한 감독

8회 송구 장면

감독을 화나게 한 8회, 추신수를 화나게 한 감독

Jeff Wilson
Shin-Soo Choo wasn't pleased afterward. He said he knew the situation, made a bad throw, but wasn't comfortable with loss pinned on him.

현지 기사 : http://rangersblog.dallasnews.com/2015/06/choo-bristles-at-questioning-by-banister-on-key-play-in-texas-rangers-loss.html/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

“I’ll get you a glove, and you play,’’ Choo said in his parting comment on the subject.
추신수는  "글러브 줄께요 당신이 플레이 하세요 " 라고 말했다네요

“That’s a ball that we should try to hit the cut-off man,’’ Banister said. “Not trying to overthrow the cut-off man. Just missed. Those things do happen. It’s a tough situation there. It put us in a spot that’s tough to battle out of. That’s a play we know we have to make.’’

위는 추신수 송구에 대한 배니스터 감독의 말

“We’re not playing for the first time,’’ Choo said. “We know how to do it. We know the situations. But we can’t make (the plays) all that times. That’s what happens.
“If I throw to third base and we get an out, nobody says anything. … (Banister) told me `What do you think about this situation? I know the situation, but you can’t make it all the time.’’

Choo never directly responded to the question of whether he tried to throw to third or the cut-off man. Choo also objected to a line of questioning that he considered to be an attempt to place blame for the loss on him.

“We lost the game because of me?’’ he said. “ (Expletive) that.’’

[조미예의 MLB현장] 추신수가 화난 진짜 이유, “감독의 말과 행동, 처음 있는 일”

안녕하세요 김치찌개입니다!
이거 참 어처구니가 없네요 배니스터 감독!
텍사스 VS 오클랜드 8회에 있었던 송구때문에
1년차 감독이 베테랑 추신수선수한테 덕아웃에서 머라고 하다니
예전부터 감독이 추신수선수를 좋게 안본 모양입니다
오늘 라인업 보고 자야겠습니다 후우;;


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