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Date | 17/09/20 18:11:11 |
Name | 벤젠 C6H6 |
Subject | 마리오 시리즈의 변천사를 보여주는 동영상 |
MARIO - Evolution (1981-2016) Evolution of First Levels in Mario games Evolution of Bowser Battles in Mario games Evolution of Mario Deaths and Game Over Screens (1981-2017) Evolution of Secret Final Levels in Mario games Super Mario Evolution of MARIO'S VOICE 1995-2017 (N64 to Switch) Super Mario Evolution of the SUPER STAR 1985-2015 (NES to Wii U) The Evolution of Princess Peach: Super Mario Series (1985-2017) 즐감하셨으면 좋겠습니다. :) 2
이 게시판에 등록된 벤젠 C6H6님의 최근 게시물