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Date | 20/07/24 15:34:23 |
Name | 다군 |
Subject | 파우치 선생님의 시구 |
커브가 중요하다구?!
여전히 친절/성실했던 13년 전의 파우치 박사. Anthony Fauci tells MarketWatch: I would not get on a plane or eat inside a restaurant ‘I certainly don’t think we’re near the end of this, if you look at what’s going on in the United States,’ Anthony Fauci, the veteran epidemiologist, says https://www.marketwatch.com/story/anthony-fauci-tells-marketwatch-i-would-not-get-on-a-plane-or-eat-inside-a-restaurant-2020-07-24 0
이 게시판에 등록된 다군님의 최근 게시물