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Date 2016/05/01 02:54:12
Name   얼그레이
Link #1   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXB-dZsMLrI
Subject   Elliott Smith-\"Between the Bars\"

Drink up baby, stay up all night
With the things you could do, 
you won't but you might
The potential you'll be that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make

Drink up with me now 
and forget all about the pressure of days
Do what I say and I'll make you okay 
and dive them away
The images stuck in your head

People you've been before 
that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still

Drink up baby, look at the stars, 
I'll kiss you again
Between the bars where I'm seeing you
There with your hands in the air 
waiting to finally be caught

Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine
Keep you apart deep in my heart 
seperate from the rest
Where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot

The people you've been before 
that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll Keep them still

추천수: 2

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