- 새로운 뉴스를 올려주세요.
Date 17/04/19 08:39:26
Name   R2D2
Subject   스타크래프트 1.18 릴리즈 완전 무료화

블리자드가 스타크래프트 1.18 을 공식 릴리즈하고 배틀넷(블리자드 샵)에 무료로 공개하였습니다.
HD 리마스터는 하반기 출시 예정입니다.


Greetings Commanders, Cerebrates, and Executors,

We're proud to announce that StarCraft will be patched for the first time in over 8 years today. The patch will go live at 2:00 PM PDT.

When patching, please use the ‘Run as Admin’ option; it is required during your first client run to migrate saves and avoid issues from Windows system admin changes.

StarCraft will be free with this patch as well. We'll add a link here when the patch is live.

[Added windowed fullscreen or windowed mode; Alt+Enter switches between] 알트- 엔터 키로 전체화면, 창모드 전환가능
Added UTF-8 support
Added cursor clamping in-game while windowed; unclamped in menus
Added Popular Maps to streamline finding games or game types
Added options to display actions per minute
[Added Observer mode] 옵저버 모드 추가
Added opponent information when joining a game lobby
[Added autosaving for replays] 리플레이 자동 저장 가능
[Added an option to display game time] 게임시간 표시 옵션
Added UPnP support
Updated to a new OpenGL backend
[Improved gameplay responsiveness during multiplayer by increasing turn rate to match LAN speeds over Battle.net] 멀티플레이 게임 응답속도 개선
Improved UI layout in Battle.net sections
Improved behavior of available lobbies within the ‘Join Game’ section
[Improved compatibility with Windows 7, 8.1, and 10] 윈도우 7 ~ 10 호환성 개선
Improved anticheat capabilities
Improved installation and patching performance
[Mac Beta now available for 10.11 and up] 맥버전 베타

Bug Fixes
Fixed palette issues to correct rainbow water, 80s Kerrigan face in the loading screen, and other graphic glitches
Fixed problems with LAN game discovery
Fixed IME support and other text artifacts in Battle.net menus
LAN and Legacy Battle.net fixes

Known Issues
The profile section is currently unavailable
Some chat commands are still being updated to play nice in the updated chat system
Friends location is being improperly displayed
Password games will often return bad password trying to join

[스타크래프트® 앤솔로지 디지털 다운로드]


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+ : 최근 6시간내에 달린 댓글
+ : 최근 12시간내에 달린 댓글
