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because I wanted to be a theoretical physicist so I went to Princeton
전 이론 물리학자가 되고 싶었고, 그래서 프린스턴대에 갔어요.
and I was a really good student as I pointed out already
제가 이미 말했듯이 저는 꽤 괜찮은 학생이였죠.
I got A pluses on almost everything I had on our physics track which starts out with
you know 100 students and by the time you get to quantum mechanics it's like 30
100명의 학생들로 시작해서 양자역학쯤 오면 30명쯤으로 줄어드는 물리학 전공 과정에서 거의 대부분 A+를 받았어요.
so I'm in quantum mechanics I think this is like junior year and
그니까, 양자역학을 배울 때였죠. 3학년땐가 그랬을텐데,
I can't solve this partial differential equation it's really really hard and i've been studying with my roommate Joe
어떤 편미분방정식 하나를 못 풀겠는거에요. 엄청 어려워서 그걸 수학을 잘하는 룸메이트 친구 Joe랑 같이 풀었는데,
who also was really good at math and two of us worked on this one homework problem for three hours and got nowhere
두 명이 숙제 한 문제를 3시간 동안 붙잡고 있었는데도 어떻게 풀어야 할지 전혀 모르겠더라고요.
and we finally said we looked up at each other over the table at the same moment we said, "Yasantha"
우리는 책상에서 동시에 고개를 든 다음 말했죠, "요산타를 찾아가자."
because Yassantha was smartest guy at Princeton and we went to Yasantha' room
요산타는 프린스턴에서 가장 똑똑한 친구였거든요. 그래서 요산타의 방으로 찾아갔죠.
we showed him this problem and he looks at it, he stares at it for a while, and he says "cosine"
문제를 보여줬더니 그 친구가 그걸 보더니, 잠깐동안 문제를 뚫어져라 보더라고요, 그리곤 "코사인"
and I'm like "what do you mean?" he's like "that's the answer." I'm like, "that's the answer?" and he's like "yeah let me show you"
"무슨 소리야?" "그게 정답이야" "그게 정답이라고?" "응, 왜 그런지 알려줄게"
so he brings us into his room he sits us down, he writes out three pages of detailed algebra everyting crossed out
요산타가 방으로 데려가더니 저희를 앉히곤 모든 것이 설명되는 자세한 계산을 3페이지에 걸쳐 써내려 갔어요.
and the answer is cosine and I said "Listen Yasantha, did you just do that in your head?" and he said
그리고 답은 코사인이였죠. 요산타한테 물어봤어요. "요산타, 너 그거 머릿속에서 전부 다 계산한거야?"
"No, that would be impossible. Three years ago, I've solved a very similar problem and I was able to map this problem
"아니, 그건 불가능하지. 3년 전에 이거랑 되게 비슷한 문제를 풀어봤는데 그 문제를 여기에 적용시켜보니까
onto that problem and then it was immediately obvious that the answer was cosine."
답이 코사인이라는게 당연했어."
that was an important moment for me because that was the very moment when I realized I was never going to be a great theoretical physicist
그건 엄청 중요한 순간이였어요. 왜냐면 그 때 저는 제가 절대로 훌륭한 이론 물리학자가 될 수 없을 거라는 걸 깨달았거든요.
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