- 다양한 주제에 대해 자유롭게 글을 작성하는 게시판입니다.
Date 15/12/03 01:54:10
Name   새의선물
Subject   문선길 - 김덕구

Sun Kil Moon은 Red House Painters등에서 활동했던 Mark Kozelek이 만든 밴드입니다. 약간은 1인밴드에 가까운 밴드인데, 그룹 이름이 권투선수인 문선길에서 가져왔고, 데뷰 음반에 실린 곡중에서 세 곡이 권투선수의 이름을 가지고 있는데, 한 곡이 김덕구라는 곡입니다. 곡 자체는 사실 김덕구선수와는 별 상관없습니다. 뭐 코젤렉이 권투를 좋아해서 그의 권투시합을 보기는 했고, 그 이야기가 가사에 나오기는 합니다. 그러니 이런 제목이 붙었겠지만요. 아무튼 그에 의하면 한국 여행중 서울 한 호텔에서 지내면서 느꼈던 느낌을 곡으로 만들었다는 이야기를 합니다. 유머게시판에서 권투선수들에 대한게 보여서...

looking out on my roof last night
woken up from a dream
i saw a typhoon coming in close
bringing the clouds down to the sea
making the world look gray and alone
taking all light from my view
keeping everyone in
and keeping me here with you

around you now, i can't sleep no more baby
around you still, don't want to leave yet

woken up from a dream last night
somewhere lost in war
i couldn't feel my feet or hands
i didn't feel right anymore
i knew there I'd die alone
with no one to reach to
but an angel came down
and brought me back to you

i'd rather leave this world forever baby
than let life go the way it's going

watching an old fight film last night
Ray Mancini vs. Duk Koo Kim
the boy from Seoul was hanging in good
but the pounding took to him
and there in the square he lay alone
without face without crown
and the angel who looked upon
never came down

you never know what day could pick you baby
out of the air, out of nowhere

come to me once more my love
show me love I've never known
sing to me once more my love
words from your younger years
sing to me once more my love
songs that i love to hear

birds gather 'round my window
fly with everything i love about the day
flowers, blue and gold and orange
rise with everything i love about the day

walk with me down these strange streets
how have we come to be here
so kind are all these people
how have we come to know them


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