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Date 15/08/06 10:34:36
Name   새의선물
Subject   Fiona Apple & Elvis Costello - I want you

이 곡은 원래 엘비스 코스텔로가 작곡하고 부른 곡인데, 이 라이브에서는 피오나 애플이 노래를 불러주고 있습니다. 가사가 상대방에 대한 엄청난 집착을 보여주고 있는데, 피오나 애플은 이 가사에 완전히 몰입해서 노래를 불러주고 있습니다. 엘비스 코스텔로의 원곡을 들을때는 이런 몰입을 느낄 수는 없거든요. 암튼 이 라이브 버젼은 한 번 듣고 나면 몸에 기운이 다 빠져나가는 느낌이 들 정도로 힘이 든다고나 할까요. 집착에 대한 노래중에서 이만한 곡은 못 들어본것 같습니다.

Oh my baby baby I love you more than I can tell
I don't think I can live without you
And I know that I never will
Oh my baby baby I want you so it scares me to death
I can't say anymore than "I love you"
Everything else is a waste of breath
I want you
You've had your fun you don't get well no more
I want you
Your fingernails go dragging down the wall
Be careful darling you might fall
I want you
I woke up and one of us was crying
I want you
You said "Young man I do believe you're dying"
I want you
If you need a second opinion as you seem to do these days
I want you
You can look in my eyes and you can count the ways
I want you
Did you mean to tell me but seem to forget
I want you
Since when were you so generous and inarticulate
I want you
It's the stupid details that my heart is breaking for
It's the way your shoulders shake and what they're shaking for
it's knowing that he knows you now after only guessing
I want you
It's the thought of him undressing you or you undressing
I want you
He tossed some tattered compliment your way
I want you
And you were fool enough to love it when he said
"I want you"
I want you
The truth can't hurt you it's just like the dark
It scares you witless
But in time you see things clear and stark
I want you
Go on and hurt me then we'll let it drop
I want you
I'm afraid I won't know where to stop
I want you
I'm not ashamed to say I cried for you
I want you
I want to know the things you did that we do too
I want you
I want to hear he pleases you more than I do
I want you
I might as well be useless for all it means to you
I want you
Did you call his name out as he held you down
I want you
Oh no my darling not with that clown
I want you
You've had your fun you don't get well no more
I want you
No-one who wants you could want you more
I want you
Every night when I go off to bed and when I wake up
I want you
I want you
I'm going to say it again 'til I instill it
I know I'm going to feel this way until you kill it
I want you
I want you


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