- 다양한 주제에 대해 자유롭게 글을 작성하는 게시판입니다.
Date | 15/11/12 11:38:04 |
Name | 새의선물 |
Subject | 율리시즈의 시선 |
When I return, It will be with another man’s clothes Another man’s name My coming will be unexpected If you look at me unbelieving, and say “You are not He” I will show you signs and you will believe me I will tell you about the lemon tree in your garden The corner window that lets in the moonlight And then signs of the body, signs of love And as we climb, trembling, to our old room Between one embrace and the next Between lovers’ calls I will tell you about the journey all the night long And in all the nights to come, between one embrace and the next Between lovers’ calls A whole human adventure The story that never ends. ------ 니코는 A에게 이렇게 이야기를 한다. '신이 처음으로 창조산 것은 여행이고, 다음으로 의심이며 향수다 (The first thing God created was the journey, then came doubt, and nostalgia).' 마나키아의 영화를 찾아 떠난 여행의 목적은 처음부터 영화가 아니라, 발칸 반도의 삶이고, 끊임없이 여행하는 인간의 모습이었으리라.... 0
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